Blueberry Immune Booster Protein Smoothie

blueberry immune booster protein smoothie

Blueberries on a budget! Enjoy this free blueberry immune booster protein smoothie for less!

Makes 2-3 16 oz servings


- 1 pint blueberries 
- 1 apple or pear 
- 1/2 lemon 
- 1/4 teaspoon flaxseed oil or fish oil
- 2 cups orange juice 
- 2 cups crushed ice 
- 2 large handfuls baby spinach 


Combine all the healthy food ingredients and either grind up in the blender until combined, or process all the ingredients through your juicer (If you use a juicer). Refrigerate, serve over ice, or blend with crushed ice before drinking.

This blueberry immune booster protein smoothie is a great addition to your healthy meal plans.

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