Approximately 92% of marketers agree that video marketing is an effective way to reach customers. While this is true, not all videos are created equal.
While you don’t have to have the most expensive equipment to create quality videos, you have to avoid some of the most common video production mistakes.
The first step in avoiding these videography mistakes is to know what they are. Keep reading to learn about the most common mistakes made during video production.
1. Failing to Use a Script
Following the set stages of video production is important. However, doing things in a set, organized order isn’t the only way to ensure you create a quality product.
You should also plan ahead and have a script. While creating a script may seem like a daunting process, it is invaluable when creating a video.
When you create a script, you can organize your thoughts and create a compelling story. Be sure to have someone else read the script before creating a video. This is going to help you get the video you want quickly.
2. Poor or Inconsistent Audio
You will likely have a few different audio components as part of your video. This includes clips, voice, and music audio.
If you don’t need the audio from your original clip, turn it off. Some tools will let you separate your video and audio, then hide or delete the audio track.
Some people who are new to video editing may have the music trace overpowering other tracks. Be sure the music will blend with people talking or sit below the voices.
3. Low-Quality Lighting
Improper or poor lighting can make your video seem dull. Also, you may not engage viewers the way you would like.
Try to use lighting equipment you can move and manipulate. This will help you focus on the light where you need it to go.
If you aren’t sure how to get the lighting right, hire a professional. They can help you get the quality lighting needed.
4. Using the Wrong Tone
Understanding your brand value and the service or product you offer is important to create a concept for a video. From the background music to wardrobes, lighting, and scripting, each element impacts how your viewers will feel after watching your video.
For example, if you have a social app, be sure you create a fun video that matches the tone.
Avoiding the Most Common Video Production Mistakes
If you want to create videos to help market your brand, knowing and avoiding the most common video production mistakes is a must. The information here will help you avoid some of the ones that are made by new and older video producers alike.
Did you find the information here on video production mistakes to be helpful and informative? If so, be sure to read some of the other videography blogs we have published. Our goal is to provide you with the quality information you need to ensure you make smart, informed decisions on various subjects related to video creation and marketing.