Health Benefits Of Seeing A Podiatrist

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Lower Legs and Feet 

Physicians who specialize in diseases and health problems that are related to the lower legs and feet are known as doctors of podiatric science or podiatric physicians. These health specialists are well learned and skilled in handling basic feet and leg problems as well as complicated health issues such as diabetes. Podiatrists do not attend the regular medical school but rather medical schools specifically for podiatric sciences. They are bestowed with the title of Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) instead of MD (Medical Doctor) like other medical physicians. 

Podiatrists are involved in a variety of treatments such as broken bones resetting, conducting feet or leg X-rays, prescribing medication, performing surgery, and gait analysis in New York. Podiatrists work hand in hand with other physicians in the various areas to ensure the overall health of the patient. Podiatrists who specialize in sports medicine in Upper East Side New York mostly deal with plantar fasciitis, which is common in professional athletes. 

How Does One Become A Podiatrist? 

If you want to pursue podiatric science in college, you will need to study subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, and other additional science lessons. A bachelor's degree in any science subject such as biology or its equivalent is often a qualification for many podiatrists. You will have to attend a four-year course in podiatry science school where you will study about muscles, bones, and nerves in the legs and how they are connected to the other body organs. The possible defects, illnesses, and risks that might affect feet are also taught about. In the United States, there are only nine podiatry science schools that have been endorsed by the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA). 

Diseases That Are Treated By Podiatrists 

Podiatric physicians have the necessary skill set and expertise to treat individuals of diverse ages suffering from foot or leg illnesses. If you are suffering from a sprain or fracture, the best physician to consult is a podiatrist. Most sprains and fractures affect the ankle or feet, especially in athletes. Podiatrists specializing in sports science do not only treat the legs or feet problems of the athletes but also advise them on ways they can avoid getting hurt in the future. 

Another foot problem is hammertoes and bunions. Bunions form at the bottom of the big toe where it becomes more extensive or dislocated hence bending in the direction of the other toes. A hammertoe occurs when the big toe bends in the opposite direction. Other foot problems include diabetes, growing pains, arthritis, heel pain, nail disorder, and Morton's neuroma. 

When To See A Podiatrist 

Your feet have a tough task of transporting the body from one place to another, so by the time you hit the age of 50, they will have a lot of mileage on them. The leg and feet structures are characterized by many muscles, bones, ligaments, and tendons, which jointly work together to facilitate movement. If you experience growths that are similar to warts, peeling or scaling of soles, discolored toenails, and cuts on the skin surrounding the feet or legs, you should immediately consult a podiatrist. Just like all other medical physicians, the first thing the podiatrist will do is diagnose you to determine the root cause of the problem, inquire about your medical history, current medications, etc.

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